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PUBLIC MARKS from "Xavier Lacot" with tags php & performance




High Performance Websites with Symfony2

by 1 other
Jordi Boggiano gives some hints on how to improve the performances of a Symfony2 powered website


ESI - Full page caching with Symfony2 - Jordi Boggiano

by 1 other
"All I can say to conclude is that this is worth playing with, and that Symfony2 really doesn't disappoint with regard to speed."

PHP Performance

A great talk recently given by Rasmus Lerdorf at the "Hacker Dojo' in San Francisco. Lots of goods inside, particularly around the usage of Hiphop PHP.

Static call versus Singleton call in PHP « Hardcoded

One of the first benchmarks of Hiphop PHP. Where it is said to be 200x times faster than PHP as an Apache module for massive Singleton or Static calls.

PHP compiler performance - PHP Classes blog - PHP Classes

A first benchmark of the main PHP compilers. Where HipHop PHP seems to perform well, but not at a tremendous level as expected. The benchmarked PHP code is only non-object code.


redis - Project Hosting on Google Code

by 4 others, 1 comment
A performant key-value database. A PHP module is available, that lets PHP access to Redis in a performant way.

Mental notes to myself » Blog Archive » memcache.php stats like apc.php

by 2 others (via)
A memcache php script that lets you get stats and dump from multiple memcache servers

sfPropelActAsBackupBehavior: Symfony versioning and backup Plugin | Another break in the wall…

A refactor of Tristan's sfPropelActAsVersionnableBehavior is on the road, which should be more performant for large size indexes.


Medieval Programming » Blog Archive » Better Performance patch for Symfony 1.0.x and Propel 1.2

I found the sfBuilders that are responsible for stripping the comments from the generated propel classes and also saw that there is a addIncludes parameter in propel.ini. Lets reuse that and modify the Builders to strip the inline includes and requires. I admit this is a tiny step, but some propel users are desperately searching for performance tweaks (as I am as well) so I hope this could be of use. I send this patch for inclusion in symfony 1.1.


Improve PHP Performance by Caching Database Results | Database Change Notification

As is well known, caching the results of database queries can dramatically improve script execution time and minimize the load on the database server. This technique can be especially effective if the data you are dealing with is quite static. This is because many data requests to a remote database may be eventually satisfied from the local cache, thus avoiding the need to make a connection to the database, execute the query, and fetch the results.